Well, I certainly disappeared for a while. I guess the best way to describe what happened is that I had a few perfectly ordinary transitions come up close together and ran short on attention for a bit.

I have decided that the first I am going to cover of the topics in my poll (https://bw3.dev/o/2BahR) is probably going to be "What my ideal pants would be like, and how the pandemic shaped this ideal." Because I felt like getting started on it tonight. Not sure about whether I'll finish it tonight or not.

shared 22 days ago
shared 3 months ago

Today, I finally got a FIDO2 ssh key working. (Next step is to make sure I can use it from more than one client machine.)

I have lost track at this point of the number of different ways I've failed to do so. I'm pretty sure "nah, I don't feel like doing this tonight after all" has beaten all others combined.

I think the funniest failure might have been the time I realized that the OpenSSH client I was using, while it did have a version number newer than when the feature was added...had support for it explicitly disabled because the dependencies weren't available for the platform yet.

I have decided to post a list of a few blog articles I'm considering writing soon. This is partly as a memory aid for myself about what I was thinking I might write, partly to see how posting a Question works while I'm at it, and a very little bit to ask the question: Anyone out there actually look forward to seeing any of these?

Note: The one about Microblogpub might end up so broad-ranging that even I think it ought to be broken down into more than one article. On the other hand, it might end up far shorter than I think it will.

What this is not is a commitment that I will necessarily follow through on any of these ideas, tackle any of them in any particular order, or refrain from writing about something else in the meantime; I'm almost positive I had another idea that was going to make the list and then forgot it while I was revising the Microblogpub line.

Anyhow, keep your expectations limited...A little over a year ago I thought I might try to post 100 articles over the course of 2023. I posted three.

P.S. To anyone who saw this twice, I apologize. Apparently when I had to refresh the form for writing it I forgot to set the duration back to one day instead of five minutes...

  • Microblogpub, one year in; likely accompanied by rambling thoughts about a recent Indieweb discussion of the distinction (or lack thereof) between blogs and social media 0% (0 votes)

  • What my ideal pants would be like, and how the pandemic shaped this ideal 0% (0 votes)

  • A humorous look at how I think of weapon types in Destiny 2 0% (0 votes)

  • Multi-booting: What I'm doing now, and what I think I'd like to do eventually 0% (0 votes)

shared 4 months ago

...And we're back.

(What? What do you mean back?)

So...what happened, as best I can tell, is that around September 9-10, another application running on my server ran into a bug that caused it to exhaust all available disk space recording far too rapid retries to the syslog.

Unfortunately, in my first attempt to figure out what had gone wrong, I was ...kind of sleepy, and got to the point of "Well, maybe I should just rebuild the instance with a larger boot volume" before I reached the point of noticing the 24GB of syslog - mainly because I thought the problem would turn out to be something else I'd already been worried about - and I wound up losing the instance reservation and having to wait until capacity was available again in order to bring it back online.

I suspect that a lot of instances gave up on sending posts to me while my server was unreachable...I wonder whether they'll just start again or if there'll be a Hassle involved.

shared 9 months ago
shared 9 months ago
shared 10 months ago

It's getting to be that time of year again. The time of year when I might work up a sweat from doing something like, say, standing still outdoors for a few minutes.

shared 11 months ago
shared a year ago

seems to work pretty well with these days. The result of trying to post with "public" checked but "followers" unchecked seems to be "direct," which I think may make sense but was not what I had guessed.

self-hosting jargon

I got quiet for a while, huh? Here's the latest...

I noticed rendered the posts I was replying to with u-comment where I thought it should be u-in-reply-to, so I changed it. Then I realized the reason it was like that to begin with is because the same block is used for rendering replies to me as comments. So I thought about that for a while, and concluded that since the most likely consumer of that markup is something checking to see what I'd said because of a webmention I sent, and therefore it is way more likely that said consumer will see things I am replying to than things that are replying to me, it made sense to leave my change in place until I could do better.

Then I went to commit the change (since I'd made it in production) and while I was at it, I figured out how to make it depend on whether it was part of the thread before or after the post the permalink is for, so I did that instead. So that's what's new around here.

Today marks one month since I got my site/instance set up and made my intro post, and I want to make sure I post something today. (Actually, if I'd posted before I went to bed, I could have hit that one month pretty much on the minute.) However, I am not sure I'm actually going to get any of the things I want to write next fleshed out enough to be ready to post them tonight, so I decided to post a quick list of what I'm planning to work on or write about:

  • https://bringback.blog, whether I qualify, and whether I'm participating
  • 100days projects, 100DaysToOffload specifically, and whether I'm going to do such a thing
  • Terminology quirks between the Fediverse and the Indieweb, and how they and the way microblog.pub works make me go "huh"
  • Follow-up the first: Why that makes me feel like I need a convenient way to post something that is public, but doesn't hit my followers' timelines
  • Follow-up the second: How that means I think I should try to interact with other people who do both Fediverse and Indieweb stuff
  • Bonus: Why can't my instance seem to interact with Tantek's fediverse presence? Is it because I'm doing something wrong, and can I fix it?
shared 1 year, 4 months ago

: giving bees jet lag (and treatos)

I saved the holidays and stopped the villain! holidayhackchallenge.com Don't miss out on SANS x @KringleCon https://holidayhackchallenge.com

The 2022 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge holidayhackchallenge.com

All right, settled in for the evening...as soon as I finish running some updates, it's time to see how much more of I can finish. I might have to come back to this fountain thing.